Sunday, February 28, 2010

Getting Off Of Nicotine, It's Really Not That Bad

The entire fifteen years that I choked down heater after heater, all anyone ever told me was how I needed to quit and how terribly difficult quitting smoking was going to be. In the back of my mind, I never really bought into that line of logic. I always figured it was going to be as difficult to stop as I made it. I never bought into the fact that everyone else said it was going to be hard. And do you know what happened? After fifteen years of smoking, I walked away from cigarettes once and for All and it really wasn't all that hard. It was exactly as I thought it would be.
After finally quitting, I realized that the entire idea of quitting smoking is a huge business. And you trying, but not quite quitting means more money to the companies selling the products to help you quit. Not only that, but it's also in their best interest for you to believe that quitting is going to be all but impossible. You see, I found that what you believe about quitting is the most important thing. Not what drug you might take to help you quit. The power of belief is not only the major factor in quitting smoking, it's a major factor in your whole life. It's exactly as Muhammad Ali said of the power of belief, "It's the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen."
When your quitting smoking all you want is for things to begin to happen. You need to break the cycle of normalcy. You see for me it wasn't about being addicted to anything, it was about the fact that I had engaged in a practice every 45 minutes or so for fifteen consecutive years. Smoking cigarettes had become "normal" to me. So much so that I had a difficult time remembering what it was like to not be a smoker. I had to think back and remember that I wasn't always a smoker and in fact was in great shape at one time in my life. I had to think about how I liked being in shape, and never really liked smoking in the first place.
Quitting was about what I thought about quitting, and I thought it wasn't going to be that difficult. And as I said it wasn't. Were there times I wanted a cigarette? Of course there were (and still are), but I don't smoke any longer and simply tell myself that. I would want a cigarette (more so right after stopping) because it was normal to me to have a cigarette. That's all. Once I came to this realization, it was easier and easier everyday.
The bottom line is that you can do exactly what I did and be free of nicotine for the rest of your life. Don't buy into all of the hype surrounding quitting smoking. You don't need drugs or gum or patches, all you need to do is believe and change the way you think about smoking.
Trevor Kugler is co-founder of and an avid angler. He has more than 20 years experience fishing for all types of fish, and 15 years of business and internet experience. He currently raises his three year old daughter in the heart of trout fishing country.....Montana!
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Saturday, February 20, 2010

Are You Serious About Quitting Smoking?

Why is it that every article you read, every commercial that you see, almost everything supposedly designed to help you quit smoking comes with a price attached? It seems like 99% of the articles I read on quitting smoking are written by someone trying to sell you something to help you quit. Why is this? Why can't everyone be honest about the whole idea of quitting smoking and just tell you that by the nature of being born you were given everything that you need to stop smoking. If you are serious about quitting smoking, you can do it without spending a dime.
Before you begin to think that I'm completely full of crap, here me out. I smoked at least a pack a day for close to fifteen years and walked away from smoking once and for all. And I did it without spending one red cent, and there were no with drawls or any other negative effects. I simply stopped smoking. Were there times that I wanted a cigarette? Of course there were, but I simply wouldn't have one. I realized, during the stopping process, that it was normal for me to want a cigarette. I mean my body was used to having one for God's sake! A person will get used to anything after engaging in it for 15 years. The bottom line is that I stopped and I know you can as well. Below you will find a list of the things I found to be important in the process of quitting smoking :
Changing Your Thinking - That's right, you need to change the way you think about smoking and quitting smoking. Everyone tells you how difficult it will be. Don't buy into that stuff. Tell yourself that it's going to be as easy to quit as it was to start. Remember this quote, "Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change."
Change your surroundings - It was important for me to stay away from smoking (especially in the beginning). I stopped going to places where everyone smoked. I stopped hanging around smokers for long periods of time. I stayed as far away from smokers as I could. I even changed my job ( a job in which many people smoked).
Don't Believe The Hype - There is a ton of hype surrounding the act of quitting smoking. Everyone wants to convince you of the fact that quitting is a difficult proposition. I'm telling you from experience that it's not that difficult. Quitting smoking will be as difficult as you "believe" it will be, it's as simple as that. The hype is all designed to sell you something to supposedly make quitting easier. All of the hype is nothing but a big sales machine.
Hopefully these tips help you kick the cancer sticks once and for all. It really was that simple for me, and I know it will be for you as well. What you believe is the key factor. Remember what Johann Wolfgang von Goethe said of belief, "Man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is." Just believe that you've got this smoking thing licked and you do.
Trevor Kugler - Co-founder of Trevor has more than 15 years of business experience and 25 years of fishing experience. He currently raises his three year old daughter in the heart of trout fishing country - Montana.
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